Related websites

of organisations and persons who contribute to a new currency paradigm on the same or similar lines as advocated on this site.

American Monetary Institute, USA

Betra Peningakerfi, Island

Center for Progressive Economics, USA

• International Institute of Certified Public Accountants, USA

• MoMo (Monetäre Modernisierung), Switzerland

 Monetative, Germany

Moneta@Proprietà, Italia

New Economics Foundation, UK

Positive Money, UK

Positive Money, New Zealand

Programma per la Riforma Monetaria Italiana PRIMIT

Sensible Money, Ireland

• Vivant, Belgien  auf deutsch - en français 

Individual Websites

Simon Dixon’s Blog on Banking & Monetary Reform

Steve Keen’s Debtwatch

• Lowell F. Manning at  Integrated Development Homepage, NL/NZL

• Ron Morrison's Scottish Monetary Reform 

Jean-Pierre Poulin sur La Libération économique

James Robertson on money and monetary reform

Bernd Senf zu Geld, Zins, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

Simon Thorpe’s Ideas Blogspot

Websites in favour of a traditional approach of 100%-Reserve (100%-money, Chicago plan)

Osons Maurice Allais, Françe

The Money Masters, USA

Plan for Monetary Reform, William F. Hummel, USA

Full Reserve Banking

Proposition SMART (Système Monétaire à Réserves Totales) du cercle des économistes citoyens, Françe